Expectation Maximization infrastructure

The machine learning algorithms distributed with ProSper are based on latent variable probabilistic data models and are trained with variational Expectation Maximization (EM) learning algorithm. The source code is therefore organized under an EM module.

Expectation Maximization Algorithm

The Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm is used to optimize probabilistic models with latent random variables. It is an iterative algorithm that optimizes with respect to the posterior distribution in the E-step and and proceeds with an optimization of the model parameters in the M step. A simple implementation is given in the EM class. The more technical components however are contained in the Model classes.

class prosper.em.EM(model=None, anneal=None, data=None, lparams=None, mpi_comm=None)

This class drives the EM algorithm.


Run a complete cooling-cycle

When verbose is True a progress message is printed for every step via dlog.progress(...)()


Execute a single EM-Step

class prosper.em.Model(comm=<Mock id='140062113491152'>)

Model Base Class.

Includes knowledge about parameters, data generation, model specific functions, E and M step.

Specific models will be subclasses of this abstract base class.

generate_data(model_params, N)

Generate datapoints according to the model.

Given the model parameters model_params return a dataset of N datapoints.

noisify_params(model_params, anneal)

Noisify model params.

Noisify the given model parameters according to self.noise_policy and the annealing object provided. The noise_policy of some model parameter PARAM will only be applied if the annealing object provides a noise strength via PARAM_noise.


Initialize a set of model parameters in some sane way.

Return value is model_parameter dictionary

step(anneal, model_params, my_data)

Component Analysis Models

Component Analysis Models refers to models with multiple latent variables may contribute to the same datapoints to

class prosper.em.camodels.CAModel(D, H, Hprime, gamma, to_learn=['W', 'pi', 'sigma'], comm=<Mock id='140062088152512'>)

Abstract base class for Sparse Coding models with binary latent variables and expectation tuncation (ET) based training scheme.



Perform a sanity check on the model parameters. Throw an exception if there are major violations; correct the parameter in case of minor violations

compute_lpj(anneal, model_params, my_data)

Determine candidates and compute log-pseudo-joint.

  • anneal (prosper.em.annealling.Annealing) – Annealing schedule, e.g., em.anneal

  • model_params (dict) – Learned model parameters, e.g., em.lparams

  • my_data (dict) – Data stored in field ‘y’.

generate_data(model_params, my_N)

Generate data according to the model. Internally uses generate_data_from_hidden.

  • model_params (dict) – Ground-truth model parameters to use

  • my_N (int) – number of datapoints to generate on this MPI rank

This method does _not_ obey gamma: The generated data may have more than gamma active causes for a given datapoint.

inference(anneal, model_params, test_data, topK=10, logprob=False, adaptive=True, Hprime_max=None, gamma_max=None)

Perform inference with the learned model on test data and return the top K configurations with their posterior probabilities. :param anneal: Annealing schedule, e.g., em.anneal :type anneal: prosper.em.annealling.Annealing :param model_params: Learned model parameters, e.g., em.lparams :type model_params: dict :param test_data: The test data stored in field ‘y’. Candidates stored in ‘candidates’ (optional). :type test_data: dict :param topK: The number of returned configurations :type topK: int :param logprob: Return probability or log probability :type logprob: boolean :param adaptive: Adjust Hprime, gamma to be greater than the number of active units in the MAP state :type adaptive: boolean :param Hprime_max: Upper limit for Hprime adjustment :type Hprime_max: int :param gamma_max: Upper limit for gamma adjustment :type gamma_max: int

select_partial_data(anneal, my_data)

Select a partial data-set from my_data and return it.

The fraction of datapoints selected is determined by anneal[‘partial’]. If anneal[‘partial’] is equal to either 1 or 0 the whole dataset will be returned.


Standard onitial estimation for model parameters.

This implementation

W and sigma.

each W raw is set to the average over the data plus WGN of mean zero and var sigma/4. sigma is set to the variance of the data around the computed mean. pi is set to 1./H . Returns a dict with the estimated parameter set with entries “W”, “pi” and “sigma”.

step(anneal, model_params, my_data)

Perform an EM-step

prosper.em.camodels.generate_state_matrix(Hprime, gamma)

Full combinatorics of Hprime-dim binary vectors with at most gamma ones.

  • Hprime (int) – Vector length

  • gamma – Maximum number of ones

  • gamma – int

Binary Sparse Coding

class prosper.em.camodels.bsc_et.BSC_ET(D, H, Hprime, gamma, to_learn=['W', 'pi', 'sigma'], comm=<Mock id='140062026281256'>)

Binary Sparse Coding

Implements learning and inference of a Binary Sparse coding model under a variational approximation


MPI communicator


number of features




approximation parameter for maximum number of non-zero states




number of latent variables




approximation parameter for latent space trunctation




number of different values the latent variables can take




number of different states of latent variables except singleton states and zero state


(.., Hprime) ndarray


matrix that holds all possible singleton states


((K-1)*H, H) ndarray


number of non-zero elements in the rows of the state_matrix


(no_states, ) ndarray


latent variable states taken into account during the em algorithm


(no_states, Hprime) ndarray


the differnt values that a latent variable can take must include 0 and one more integer


(K,) ndarray


list of strings included in model_params.keys() that specify which parameters are going to be optimized




[1] M. Henniges, G. Puertas, J. Bornschein, J. Eggert, and J. Lücke (2010). Binary Sparse Coding. Proc. LVA/ICA 2010, LNCS 6365, 450-457.

[2] J. Lücke and J. Eggert (2010). Expectation Truncation and the Benefits of Preselection in Training Generative Models. Journal of Machine Learning Research 11:2855-2900.

E_step(anneal, model_params, my_data)

BSC E_step

my_data variables used:

my_data[‘y’] Datapoints my_data[‘can’] Candidate H’s according to selection func.

Annealing variables used:

anneal[‘T’] Temperature for det. annealing anneal[‘N_cut_factor’] 0.: no truncation; 1. trunc. according to model

M_step(anneal, model_params, my_suff_stat, my_data)

BSC M_step

my_data variables used:

my_data[‘y’] Datapoints my_data[‘candidates’] Candidate H’s according to selection func.

Annealing variables used:

anneal[‘T’] Temperature for det. annealing anneal[‘N_cut_factor’] 0.: no truncation; 1. trunc. according to model

generate_from_hidden(model_params, my_hdata)

Generate data according to the MCA model while the latents are given in my_hdata[‘s’].

This method does _not_ obey gamma: The generated data may have more than gamma active causes for a given datapoint.

select_Hprimes(model_params, data)

Return a new data-dictionary which has been annotated with a data[‘candidates’] dataset. A set of self.Hprime candidates will be selected.

Ternary Sparse Coding

class prosper.em.camodels.tsc_et.TSC_ET(D, H, Hprime, gamma, to_learn=['W', 'pi', 'sigma'], comm=<Mock id='140062026563424'>)

Ternary Sparse Coding

Implements learning and inference of a Ternary Sparse coding model under a variational approximation


MPI communicator


number of features




approximation parameter for maximum number of non-zero states




number of latent variables




approximation parameter for latent space trunctation




number of different values the latent variables can take




number of different states of latent variables except singleton states and zero state


(.., Hprime) ndarray


matrix that holds all possible singleton states


((K-1)*H, H) ndarray


number of non-zero elements in the rows of the state_matrix


(no_states, ) ndarray


latent variable states taken into account during the em algorithm


(no_states, Hprime) ndarray


the differnt values that a latent variable can take must include 0 and one more integer


(K,) ndarray


list of strings included in model_params.keys() that specify which parameters are going to be optimized




[1] G. Exarchakis, M. Henniges, J. Eggert, and J. Lücke (2012). Ternary Sparse Coding. International Conference on Latent Variable Analysis and Signal Separation (LVA/ICA), 204-212.

[2] J. Lücke and J. Eggert (2010). Expectation Truncation and the Benefits of Preselection in Training Generative Models. Journal of Machine Learning Research 11:2855-2900.

E_step(anneal, model_params, my_data)

E step for Teranary Sparse Coding Identifies approximate posterior information for Ternary Sparse Coding

  • anneal (Annealing object) –

    contains information related to annealing
    anneal[‘T’]: scalar

    Temperature for det. annealing

    anneal[‘N_cut_factor’]: scalar

    0.: no truncation; 1. trunc. according to model

  • model_params (dict) –

    dictionary of parameters
    model_params[‘W’]: ndarray


    model_params[‘sigma’]: float

    standard deviation of gaussian noise

    model_params[‘pi’]: float

    prior parameter

  • my_data (dict) –

    datapoints dictionary
    my_data[‘y’]: ndarray


    my_data[‘can’]: ndarray

    Candidate H’s according to selection func.



Approximate joint of datapoints and latent variable states

Return type


M_step(anneal, model_params, my_suff_stat, my_data)

Ternary Sparse Coding M-Step

This function is responsible for finding the optimal model parameters given an approximation of the posterior distribution.

  • anneal (Annealing object) –

    Annealing type obje ct containing training schedule information

    anneal[‘T’] : Temperature for det. annealing anneal[‘N_cut_factor’]: 0. no truncation; 1. trunc. according to model

  • model_params (dict) –

    dictionary containing model parameters
    model_params[‘W’]: (H,D) ndarray

    linear dictionary

    model_params[‘pi’]: (K,) ndarray

    prior parameters

    model_params[‘sigma’]: float

    standard deviation of noise model

  • my_suff_stat (dict) –

    dictionary containing inforamtion about the joint distribution
    my_suff_stat[‘logpj’]: (my_N,no_states) ndarray

    logarithm of joint of data and latent variable states

  • my_data (dict) –

    data dictionary
    my_data[‘y’]: (my_N,D) ndarray


    my_data[‘candidates’]: (my_n,Hprime)

    Candidate H’s according to selection func.


dictionary containing updated model parameters
dict[‘W’]: (H,D) ndarray

linear dictionary

dict[‘pi’]: (K,) ndarray

prior parameters

dict[‘sigma’]: float

standard deviation of noise model

Return type


generate_data(model_params, my_N)
  • model_params (dict) –

    model parameters
    model_params[‘W’]: (H,D) ndarray

    linear dictionary

    model_params[‘pi’]: (K,) ndarray

    prior parameters

    model_params[‘sigma’]: float

    standard deviation of noise model

  • my_N (int) – number of datapoints for this process


  • dict

    returns generated data
    dict[‘y’]: (my_N, D) ndarray

    generated data

    dict[‘s’]: (my_N, H) ndarray

    latent variable states that generated the data

  • Deleted Parameters

  • ——————

  • noise_on (bool, optional) – flag to control deterministic/stochastic generation. If True gaussian noise with standard deviation model_params[‘sigma’] is added to the data

  • gs ((my_N, H), optional) – ground truth latent variables. This option is used for generating artificial data with particular latent variables. Defaults to randomly sampled latent variables from the prior

  • gp ((my_N, H), optional) – ground truth posterior. This option is used for generating data that have a particular true posterior distribution. Defaults to randomly sampled latent variables from the prior

inference(anneal, model_params, test_data, topK=10, logprob=False, abs_marginal=True, adaptive=True, Hprime_max=None, gamma_max=None)

Perform inference with the learned model on test data and return the top K configurations with their posterior probabilities.

  • anneal (Annealing object) – annealing information

  • model_params (dict) – dictionary with model parameters

  • test_data (dict) – data dictionary. The data in this case are ndarray under the key ‘y’.

  • topK (int, optional) – the number of most probable latent variable states to be returned

  • logprob (bool, optional) – the probabilities of the most probable latent variable states

  • abs_marginal (bool, optional) – Description

  • adaptive (bool, optional) – if set to True it will run inference again for datapoints with gamma active latent variables in the top state using setting gamma=gamma+1 and Hprime=Hprime+1

  • Hprime_max (None, optional) – if adaptive is True it will stop Hprime from increasing above this integer. None defaults to H.

  • gamma_max (None, optional) – if adaptive is True it will stop gamma from increasing above this integer. None defaults to H.


a dictionary with posterior information
dict[‘s’]: (batchsize, topK, H) ndarray

the topK most probable vectors

dict[‘m’]: (batchsize, H) ndarray

latent variable marginal distribution

dict[‘am’]: (batchsize, H) ndarray

absolote latent variable marginal distribution

dict[‘p’]: (batchsize, topK) ndarray

probabilities of topK latent variable states

dict[‘gamma’]: int

sparseness approximation parameter

dict[‘Hprime’]: int

truncation approximation parameter

Return type


select_Hprimes(model_params, data)

Return a new data-dictionary which has been annotated with a data[‘candidates’] dataset. A set of self.Hprime candidates will be selected.

  • model_params (dict) –

    dictionary containing model parameters
    model_params[‘W’]: (H,D) ndarray

    linear dictionary

    model_params[‘pi’]: (K,) ndarray

    prior parameters

    model_params[‘sigma’]: float

    standard deviation of noise model

  • data (dict) –

    dataset dictionary
    data[‘y’]: (my_n,D) ndarray



dataset dictionary
data[‘y’]: (my_n,D) ndarray


data[‘candidates’]: (my_n,) ndarray

indices of the best explained datapoints

Return type


Discrete Sparse Coding

class prosper.em.camodels.dsc_et.DSC_ET(D, H, Hprime, gamma, states=array([-1., 0., 1.]), to_learn=['W', 'pi', 'sigma'], comm=<Mock id='140062024662376'>)

Discrete Sparse Coding

Implements learning and inference of a Discrete Sparse coding model under a variational approximation


MPI communicator


number of features




approximation parameter for maximum number of non-zero states




number of latent variables




approximation parameter for latent space trunctation




number of different values the latent variables can take




number of different states of latent variables except singleton states and zero state


(.., Hprime) ndarray


matrix that holds all possible singleton states


((K-1)*H, H) ndarray


number of non-zero elements in the rows of the state_matrix


(no_states, ) ndarray


latent variable states taken into account during the em algorithm


(no_states, Hprime) ndarray


the differnt values that a latent variable can take must include 0 and one more integer


(K,) ndarray


list of strings included in model_params.keys() that specify which parameters are going to be optimized




[1] G. Exarchakis, and J. Lücke (2017). Discrete Sparse Coding. Neural Computation, 29(11), 2979-3013.

[2] J. Lücke and J. Eggert (2010). Expectation Truncation and the Benefits of Preselection in Training Generative Models. Journal of Machine Learning Research 11:2855-2900.

E_step(anneal, model_params, my_data)

Discrete Sparse Coding E-step

This function is responsible for finding an approximation of the posterior distribution given the model parameters.

  • anneal (Annealing object) –

    Annealing type obje ct containing training schedule information

    anneal[‘T’] : Temperature for det. annealing anneal[‘N_cut_factor’]: 0. no truncation; 1. trunc. according to model

  • model_params (dict) –

    dictionary containing model parameters
    model_params[‘W’]: (H,D) ndarray

    linear dictionary

    model_params[‘pi’]: (K,) ndarray

    prior parameters

    model_params[‘sigma’]: float

    standard deviation of noise model

  • my_data (dict) –

    data dictionary
    my_data[‘y’]: (my_N,D) ndarray


    my_data[‘candidates’]: (my_n,Hprime)

    Candidate H’s according to selection func.


returns information about the approximation posterior
dict[‘logpj’]: (my_n,no_states) ndarray

an approximation of the logarithm of the joint distribution

Return type


M_step(anneal, model_params, my_suff_stat, my_data)

Discrete Sparse Coding M-Step

This function is responsible for finding the optimal model parameters given an approximation of the posterior distribution.

  • anneal (Annealing object) –

    Annealing type obje ct containing training schedule information

    anneal[‘T’] : Temperature for det. annealing anneal[‘N_cut_factor’]: 0. no truncation; 1. trunc. according to model

  • model_params (dict) –

    dictionary containing model parameters
    model_params[‘W’]: (H,D) ndarray

    linear dictionary

    model_params[‘pi’]: (K,) ndarray

    prior parameters

    model_params[‘sigma’]: float

    standard deviation of noise model

  • my_suff_stat (dict) –

    dictionary containing inforamtion about the joint distribution
    my_suff_stat[‘logpj’]: (my_N,no_states) ndarray

    logarithm of joint of data and latent variable states

  • my_data (dict) –

    data dictionary
    my_data[‘y’]: (my_N,D) ndarray


    my_data[‘candidates’]: (my_n,Hprime)

    Candidate H’s according to selection func.


dictionary containing updated model parameters
dict[‘W’]: (H,D) ndarray

linear dictionary

dict[‘pi’]: (K,) ndarray

prior parameters

dict[‘sigma’]: float

standard deviation of noise model

Return type



Sanity check.

Sanity-check the given model parameters. Raises an exception if something is severely wrong.


model_params (dict) –

dictionary of model parameters
model_params[‘W’]: (H,D) ndarray

linear dictionary

model_params[‘pi’]: (K,) ndarray

prior parameters

model_params[‘sigma’]: float

standard deviation of noise model


model parameters
model_params[‘W’]: (H,D) ndarray

linear dictionary

model_params[‘pi’]: (K,) ndarray

prior parameters

model_params[‘sigma’]: float

standard deviation of noise model

Return type


free_energy(model_params, my_data)


gain(old_parameters, new_parameters)


generate_data(model_params, my_N, noise_on=True, gs=None, gp=None)
  • model_params (dict) –

    model parameters
    model_params[‘W’]: (H,D) ndarray

    linear dictionary

    model_params[‘pi’]: (K,) ndarray

    prior parameters

    model_params[‘sigma’]: float

    standard deviation of noise model

  • my_N (int) – number of datapoints for this process

  • noise_on (bool, optional) – flag to control deterministic/stochastic generation. If True gaussian noise with standard deviation model_params[‘sigma’] is added to the data

  • gs ((my_N, H), optional) – ground truth latent variables. This option is used for generating artificial data with particular latent variables. Defaults to randomly sampled latent variables from the prior

  • gp ((my_N, H), optional) – ground truth posterior. This option is used for generating data that have a particular true posterior distribution. Defaults to randomly sampled latent variables from the prior


returns generated data
dict[‘y’]: (my_N, D) ndarray

generated data

dict[‘s’]: (my_N, H) ndarray

latent variable states that generated the data

Return type


get_likelihood(D, sigma, logpj_all, N)

Data likelihood This functions computes the approximate likelihood of the data from the approximation of the joint

  • D (int) – Number of observed dimensions

  • sigma (float) – standard deviation of the noise model

  • logpj_all ((my_N,no_states) ndarray) – approximation of the joint probability of the data and the latent variable states

  • N (int) – total number of datapoints. Useful in parallel execution


the approximate likelihood value

Return type


inference(anneal, model_params, test_data, topK=10, logprob=False, adaptive=True, Hprime_max=None, gamma_max=None)

Perform inference with the learned model on test data and return the top K configurations with their posterior probabilities.

  • anneal (Annealing object) – annealing information

  • model_params (dict) – dictionary with model parameters

  • test_data (dict) – data dictionary. The data in this case are ndarray under the key ‘y’.

  • topK (int, optional) – the number of most probable latent variable states to be returned

  • logprob (bool, optional) – the probabilities of the most probable latent variable states

  • adaptive (bool, optional) – if set to True it will run inference again for datapoints with gamma active latent variables in the top state using setting gamma=gamma+1 and Hprime=Hprime+1

  • Hprime_max (None, optional) – if adaptive is True it will stop Hprime from increasing above this integer. None defaults to H.

  • gamma_max (None, optional) – if adaptive is True it will stop gamma from increasing above this integer. None defaults to H.


a dictionary with posterior information

Return type


noisify_params(model_params, anneal)

Noisify model params.

Noisify the given model parameters according to self._noise_policy and the annealing object provided. The noise_policy of some model parameter PARAM will only be applied if the annealing object provides a noise strength via PARAM_noise.

  • model_params (dict) –

    dictionary containing model parameters
    model_params[‘W’]: (H,D) ndarray

    linear dictionary

    model_params[‘pi’]: (K,) ndarray

    prior parameters

    model_params[‘sigma’]: float

    standard deviation of noise model

  • anneal (Annealing object) –

    Annealing type object containing training schedule information

    anneal[‘W_noise’] : standard deviation of noise to be added to the dictionary anneal[‘pi_noise’]: standard deviation of noise to be added to the prior anneal[‘sigma_noise’]: standard deviation of noise to be added to the standard deviation of the noise model


dictionary containing model parameters
model_params[‘W’]: (H,D) ndarray

linear dictionary

model_params[‘pi’]: (K,) ndarray

prior parameters

model_params[‘sigma’]: float

standard deviation of noise model

Return type


select_Hprimes(model_params, data)

Return a new data-dictionary which has been annotated with a data[‘candidates’] dataset. A set of self.Hprime candidates will be selected.

  • model_params (dict) –

    model parameters
    model_params[‘W’]: (H,D) ndarray

    linear dictionary

    model_params[‘pi’]: (K,) ndarray

    prior parameters

    model_params[‘sigma’]: float

    standard deviation of noise model

  • data (dict) –

    dataset dictionary
    data[‘y’]: (my_n,D) ndarray



dataset dictionary
data[‘y’]: (my_n,D) ndarray


data[‘candidates’]: (my_n,) ndarray

indices of the best explained datapoints

Return type


select_partial_data(anneal, my_data)

Select a partial data-set from my_data and return it.

The fraction of datapoints selected is determined by anneal[‘partial’]. If anneal[‘partial’] is equal to either 1 or 0 the whole dataset will be returned.

  • anneal (Annealing object) –

    Annealing type object containing training schedule information

    anneal[‘partial’] : fraction of the data to return

  • my_data (dict) –

    dictionary of the dataset
    my_data[‘y’]: (my_N, D) ndarray

    the datapoints


dictionary of the dataset
my_data[‘y’]: (my_N*anneal[‘partial’], D) ndarray

The updated datapoints

Return type



Standard onitial estimation for model parameters.

This implementation each “W” raw is set to the average over the data plus white Gaussian noise of mean zero and standard deviation “sigma”/4. sigma is set to the variance of the data around the computed mean. “pi” is set to 1./H . Returns a dict with the estimated parameter set with entries “W”, “pi” and “sigma”.


data (dict) – dataset dictionary. Contains a ndarray of size number of samples x number of features under data[‘y’]


a dictionary containing the model parameters

Return type


Spike-and-Slab Sparse Coding

class prosper.em.camodels.gsc_et.GSC(D, H, Hprime=0, gamma=0, sigma_sq_type='scalar', to_learn=['W', 'pi', 'mu', 'sigma_sq', 'psi_sq'], comm=<Mock id='140062023302784'>)

Sanity check.

Sanity-check the given model parameters. Raises an exception if something is severely wrong.

compute_lpj(anneal, model_params, my_data)

Determine candidates and compute log-pseudo-joint.

  • anneal (prosper.em.annealling.Annealing) – Annealing schedule, e.g., em.anneal

  • model_params (dict) – Learned model parameters, e.g., em.lparams

  • my_data (dict) – Data stored in field ‘y’. Candidates stored in ‘candidates’ (optional).

generate_data(model_params, my_N)

given ground truth model parameters, generate data of size my_N

generate_from_hidden(model_params, my_hdata)

Generate data according to the MCA model while the latents are given in my_hdata[‘s’].

This method does _not_ obey gamma: The generated data may have more than gamma active causes for a given datapoint.


Initialize model parameters to previously inferred values.


Standard Initial of the model parameters.

Maximum Component Analysis

class prosper.em.camodels.mca_et.MCA_ET(D, H, Hprime, gamma, to_learn=['W', 'pi', 'sigma'], comm=<Mock id='140061936755600'>)
E_step(anneal, model_params, my_data)

MCA E_step

my_data variables used:

my_data[‘y’] Datapoints my_data[‘can’] Candidate H’s according to selection func.

Annealing variables used:

anneal[‘T’] Temperature for det. annealing AND softmax anneal[‘N_cut_factor’] 0.: no truncation; 1. trunc. according to model

M_step(anneal, model_params, my_suff_stat, my_data)

MCA M_step

my_data variables used:

my_data[‘y’] Datapoints my_data[‘candidates’] Candidate H’s according to selection func.

Annealing variables used:

anneal[‘T’] Temperature for det. annealing AND softmax anneal[‘N_cut_factor’] 0.: no truncation; 1. trunc. according to model


Sanity-check the given model parameters. Raises an exception if something is severely wrong.

generate_data(model_params, my_N)

Generate data according to the MCA model.

This method does _not_ obey gamma: The generated data may have more than gamma active causes for a given datapoint.

select_Hprimes(model_params, data)

Return a new data-dictionary which has been annotated with a data[‘candidates’] dataset. A set of self.Hprime candidates will be selected.

Maximum Magnitude Component Analysis

class prosper.em.camodels.mmca_et.MMCA_ET(D, H, Hprime, gamma, to_learn=['W', 'pi', 'sigma'], comm=<Mock id='140061936736688'>)
E_step(anneal, model_params, my_data)

MCA E_step

my_data variables used:

my_data[‘y’] Datapoints my_data[‘can’] Candidate H’s according to selection func.

Annealing variables used:

anneal[‘T’] Temperature for det. annealing AND softmax anneal[‘N_cut_factor’] 0.: no truncation; 1. trunc. according to model

M_step(anneal, model_params, my_suff_stat, my_data)

MCA M_step

my_data variables used:

my_data[‘y’] Datapoints my_data[‘candidates’] Candidate H’s according to selection func.

Annealing variables used:

anneal[‘T’] Temperature for det. annealing AND softmax anneal[‘N_cut_factor’] 0.: no truncation; 1. trunc. according to model


Sanity-check the given model parameters. Raises an exception if something is severely wrong.

generate_from_hidden(model_params, my_hdata)

Generate data according to the MCA model while the latents are given in my_hdata[‘s’].

select_Hprimes(model_params, data)

Return a new data-dictionary which has been annotated with a data[‘candidates’] dataset. A set of self.Hprime candidates will be selected.

Mixture Models

Mixture Models refers to models where a single latent variable is responsible for the generation of a datapoint

class prosper.em.mixturemodels.MixtureModel(D, H, to_learn=['W', 'pies'], comm=<Mock id='140061935930896'>)

Sanity check.

Sanity-check the given model parameters. Raises an exception if something is severely wrong.

generate_data(model_params, my_N)

Generate data according to the model. Internally uses generate_data_from_hidden.

This method does _not_ obey gamma: The generated data may have more than gamma active causes for a given datapoint.

inference(anneal, model_params, my_data, no_maps=10)

To be implemented

select_partial_data(anneal, data)

Select a partial data-set from data and return it.

The fraction of datapoints selected is determined by anneal[‘partial’]. If anneal[‘partial’] is equal to either 1 or 0 the whole dataset will be returned.


Standard Initial Estimation for W and sigma.

each W raw is set to the average over the data plus WGN of mean zero and var sigma/4. sigma is set to the variance of the data around the computed mean. pi is set to 1./H . Returns a dict with the estimated parameter set with entries “W”, “pi” and “sigma”.

step(anneal, model_params, data)

Perform an EM-step

Mixture of Gaussians

Standard mixture of Gaussians model:

class prosper.em.mixturemodels.MoG.MoG(D, H, to_learn=['pies', 'W', 'sigmas_sq'], sigmas_sq_type='full', comm=<Mock id='140061936307112'>)

Sanity check.

Sanity-check the given model parameters. Raises an exception if something is severely wrong.

generate_from_hidden(model_params, my_hdata)

Generate datapoints according to the model.

Given the model parameters model_params return a dataset of N datapoints.


Standard Initial Estimation for W, sigma and mu.


Standard Initial Estimation for W, sigmas and pies.

Mixture of Gaussians

Standard mixture model with a Poisson observation noise model:

class prosper.em.mixturemodels.MoP.MoP(D, H, to_learn=['pies', 'W'], A=nan, comm=<Mock id='140061936156064'>)

Sanity check.

Sanity-check the given model parameters. Raises an exception if something is severely wrong.

generate_from_hidden(model_params, my_hdata)

Generate datapoints according to the model.

Given the model parameters model_params return a dataset of N datapoints.


Standard Initial Estimation for W, sigma and mu.


Standard Initial Estimation for W, sigma and mu.


The annealing module holds utilities relevant to making minor modifications to the training process.

Annealing Class

This is a generic class inheritted by all annealing objects:

class prosper.em.annealing.Annealing

Base class for implementations of annealing schemes.

Implementations deriving from this class control the cooling schedule and provide some additional control functions used in the EM algorithm.


Returns a (accept, T, finished)-tuple.

accept is a boolean and indicates if the parameters changed by gain last iteration,

EM should accept the new parameters or if it should bae the next iteration on the old ones.

finished is also a boolean and indicate whether the cooling has finished and EM should

drop out of the loop.

T is the temperature EM should use in the next iteration


Reset the cooling-cycle. This call returs the initial cooling temperature that will be used for the first step.

Linear Annealing

The linear annealing class is an example annealing class that makes changes at hyperparameters changing with linear rate over EM iterations.

class prosper.em.annealing.LinearAnnealing(steps=80)

Return all annealing parameters with their current value as dict.


Step forward by one step.

After calling this method, this annealing object will potentially return different values for all its values.


Reset the cooling-cycle. This call returs the initial cooling temperature that will be used for the first step.